Departamento de Biología Molecular y Celular
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Lab. Prof. Luis Enjuanes

Tel. +34 915854555 (office) / Tel. +34 915854526 (lab.)
Fax. +34 915854915 / +34 915854506

Laboratory WEB page 1
Laboratory WEB page 2

Objetivos / Aims

El estudio de las bases moleculares de la replicación, transcripción, ensamblamiento e interacciones virus hospedador en coronavirus junto con la ingenieria de vectores virales.
The study of the molecular basis of replication, transcription, ensambling and virus-host interactions in coronavrruses and the engineering of viral vectors.

Memoria Científica 2003-2004

Research Summary 2003-2004

Personal / Staff

Luis Enjuanes Sánchez
Isabel Sola Gurpegui
Fernando Almazán Toral
Javier Ortego Alonso
David Escors
María del Carmen Galán Avella
Cristina Riquelme Gabriel
Sonia Zuñiga Lucas
Diana Dorado Alvarez
Carlos Sánchez Sánchez
Juan Eduardo Ceriani
Maria del Carmen Capiscol Párez de Tudela
Jose Luis Moreno Carboneros
Marta López de Diego

Publicaciones recientes / Recent Publications:

Almazan F, Galan C, Enjuanes L. (2004)
The nucleoprotein is required for efficient coronavirus genome replication.
Journal of Virology 78(22):12683-12688.

Schwegmann-Wessels C, Al-Falah M, Escors D, Wang Z, Zimmer G, Deng H, Enjuanes L, Naim HY, Herrler G. (2004)
A novel sorting signal for intracellular localization is present in the S protein of a porcine coronavirus but absent from severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(42):43661-43666.

Escors D, Capiscol C, Enjuanes L. (2004)
Immunopurification applied to the study of virus protein composition and encapsidation.
Journal of Virological Methods 119(2):57-64.

Bailey M, Haverson K, Miller B, Jones P, Sola I, Enjuanes L, Stokes CR. (2004)
Effects of infection with transmissible gastroenteritis virus on concomitant immune responses to dietary and injected antigens.
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 11(2):337-343.

Zuniga S, Sola I, Alonso S, Enjuanes L. (2004)
Sequence motifs involved in the regulation of discontinuous coronavirus subgenomic RNA synthesis.
Journal of Virology 78(2):980-994.

Gonzalez JM, Gomez-Puertas P, Cavanagh D, Gorbalenya AE, Enjuanes L. (2003)
A comparative sequence analysis to revise the current taxonomy of the family Coronaviridae.
Archives in Virology 148(11):2207-2235.

Escors D, Izeta A, Capiscol C, Enjuanes L. (2003)
Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus packaging signal is located at the 5' end of the virus genome.
Journal of Virology 77(14):7890-7902.

Holmes KV, Enjuanes L. (2003)
Virology. The SARS coronavirus: a postgenomic era.
Science 300(5624):1377-1378.

Ortego J, Sola I, Almazan F, Ceriani JE, Riquelme C, Balasch M, Plana J, Enjuanes L. (2003)
Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus gene 7 is not essential but influences in vivo virus replication and virulence.
Virology 308(1):13-22.

Sola I, Alonso S, Zuniga S, Balasch M, Plana-Duran J, Enjuanes L. (2003)
Engineering the transmissible gastroenteritis virus genome as an expression vector inducing lactogenic immunity.
Journal of Virology 77(7):4357-4369.

Last update: 2 November 2005
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